Ramblings about MS Dynamics CRM 2011 and coding basics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Datetime User Stamp

I modified some of Michael Höhne's genius to compile an excellent datetime/user stamp.

Example Scenario: Checkbox on the Opportunity form called "Reviewed" When a user checks the bit that it is reviewed, you can kick off this action to automatically capture the current user's name and the datetime in other fields.

I normally make the new_text and new_date fields disabled and then use OnSave code to ForceSubmit those fields. This ensures that those fields can't be tampered with.

You can do other modifications to this, such as: disabled the checkbox once it is checked. This ensures that it can't be rechecked and have the datetime/user information changed in the future. If you do this, then you should place some JS in the OnLoad to check for that bit's value. If it is true, then disable it, so that it won't be accessible again.

Note: when doing this, it ties your hands if someone accidently checks the box and then saves the form. Remember, just be logical. :)

Please comment and be sure to check out Michael's site.

I couldn't figure out how to get the code formatted cleanly on the webpage without the tags rendering. If you have a better solution than "xmp" (it just isn't friendly). Please let me know and I will repost it.


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